Get 1$ easy way with affiliate BestChange

affiliate program
By registering on the exchanger
monitoring site as an affiliate, you confirm that
you completely agree with this terms and
conditions and that you shall observe them.
1. The USD currency is used to add money to
your account and make payments due to the
affiliate program. To withdraw your affiliate
money, you can choose between the Perfect
Money USD and WebMoney WMZ currencies.
2. The minimum sum of earned money that can
be withdrawn from your affiliate account is $
1.00 .
3. You can get up to $0.35 for each unique user
you get.
3.1. Payments for one visitor consist of several
separate amounts:
Basic rate – $0.04 .
If the user engaged by you:
uses the exchanger monitoring service, you
additionally get $0.01 x 2;
returns to the site in 7 days, you additionally
get $0.02 ;
returns to the site in 14 days, you additionally
get $0.03 ;
returns to the site in 30 days, you additionally
get $0.04 ;
returns to the site in 60 days, you additionally
get $0.05 ;
returns to the site in 90 days, you additionally
get $0.06 ;
returns to the site in 120 days, you additionally
get $0.09 ;
registered as a partner, you earn 15% of their
income in our system;
registered as a partner and engaged another
partner, you earn 5% of the latter's income in
our system.
3.2. The specified sums of the affiliate rewards
may be changed over time. In this case, all
earned money are kept on the account taking into
account the rates that were valid at the time
when you got them.
4. The user is not considered unique (the system
does not count the visitor) if:
there has already been a visit to our site from
his IP address via an affiliate link within recent
365 days;
his browser does not support the "referer"
parameter (the address of the page where the
affiliate link was clicked);
your visitor is not interested in using the
service (the visitor did not visit any pages after
he came to the site).
5. The affiliates may not click their own affiliate
links or ask other visitors to follow affiliate links
or use any other types of cheats to drive up the
number of visits.
6. The pages where you publish information about
us must contain a clear notice about the services
we provide. Any deceitful description asking the
user to follow the affiliate link will be punished by
blocking the affiliate account.
7. It is forbidden to publish the affiliate link in:
active promotion systems or paid advertising
message view systems;
on sites that use the services of active
promotion systems or paid advertising
message view systems;
in any other systems that encourage viewing
in spam messages;
on sites that force new browser windows or
open sites in hidden frames;
on web pages that are not publically available
(closed groups and social network pages,
closed forum sections, etc.).
Sites that violate one or several of the above
rules will be added to the black list of our affiliate
program. No payment will be made for visitors
coming from such sites.
8. If these terms and conditions are not observed,
the violator's account will be blocked without
payments and explanations.
9. Affiliates are completely responsible for the
security of their authentication data (username
and password) for access to their accounts.
10. These terms and conditions can be changed
unilaterally without notifying the participants of
the program. However, all changes are published
on this page.

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